Welcome to thekelleys.org.uk
This is the homepage of thekelleys.org.uk
thekelleys.org.uk is a Bitfolk virtual machine running Debian GNU/Linux,
version 10.0 (Buster) and the Apache Web server.
Currently the content on this server consists of
Dnsmasq a lightweight, caching DNS proxy with integrated DHCP server.
A listserv with a general mailing list about dnsmasq and a list for owners of Lister Freedom Range diesel engines.
Firmware packages for the Linux drivers for Atmel at76c50x wireless chips.
DHCP-helper a DHCP relay agent for Linux.
Syslog-async a non-blocking syslog() replacement.
Simon Kelley's GPG public key.
... and some not-for-public-consumption stuff.

Simon Kelley,
Keswick, UK 16 Jan 2021.